VENYA x ANNA Artist Edition 2022 – Anna Vogt

Anna Vogt is an artist based in Düsseldorf. Her mostly one- or two-tone, minimalist pictures are created impulsively in one work step and leave no room for rethinking. The autodidact herself describes her pictures as 'involuntary' and following her own intuition. Anna Vogt designed a sensual portrait of a woman for VENYA, which was printed in a limited, numbered number on a T-shirt.

You drew a feminine and puristic portrait for VENYA. What inspired you to do this? How would you describe the motive?

Intuition and Picasso's 'Oneliner' style play a major role here. 'Oneliner' describes painting without lifting the pen from the page. It's a very intuitive approach that doesn't allow planning and always produces beautiful, exciting results in the end.
The portrait is a woman's face that works with few lines. No frills. Clear, feminine and without make-up.

You described the task of “capturing” the core of a skincare brand in a work of art as very exciting and attractive for you as an artist. Why?

For me, VENYA is first and foremost a brand that is high-quality and transparent in its actions and corresponds to the spirit of the times. No frills with a focus on quality.
What might this woman who loves natural beauty look like? This is exactly the question I asked myself when I was developing the motif. Feminine, naturally beautiful, clearly and intuitively drawn. Et voila - that's her!

You describe that many works of art are created in one line, in one flow, without thinking about them? How do you do that? Can you apply this to your everyday life?

Getting started. Without hesitation and without fear of doing something wrong.
If your head keeps babbling like "It won't be good, that's way too far to the left, that's too wide, too round, to this and to that"... just start again and keep going. Again and again, until the inner critic slowly becomes tired and silent. And then you suddenly feel the ease. You relax and it starts to be fun and that's when the most beautiful results come.

With this intuitive way, I also decided on art at the time. In my opinion, we often hesitate for far too long, even though we already have a clear gut feeling. Instead of following our intuition, we prefer to wait, think about it all the time, rack our brains, be in a bad mood because we don't make a decision and in the end we didn't get any further - on the contrary, we ended up losing precious time, that we can't get back. I can only encourage you to try it! Listen to your intuition and dare!

Intuition - the well-known gut feeling is increasingly assigned to women or "devalued" as a soft skill. In your art, it plays the leading role. Can you please explain that in more detail?

Intuition is the most natural thing in the world, wonderful and important. In my opinion, this wonderful inner voice is unfortunately not heard too often, but it helps us to solve problems and make quick decisions - based on past experiences.
I think men have an equal level of intuition, just can't pick it up as easily as women, which is a shame. So 1:0 for the women :)

One last question: Healthy Aging: What does that mean for you?

Being true to yourself, loving yourself, doing something good for yourself, aging confidently and naturally and radiating from the inside out.

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